So Much Modem Madness
So Much Modem Madness (Power User Software) (1993).ISO
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File List
412 lines
AOS-VS.ZIP 84511 01-24-93 C-Kermit for AOS/VS rev 5.188.
ASTR201.ZIP 70511 02-26-91 ANSI view and strip utility for Zmodem and
| Pro-YAM users, and anyone else that uses a
| comm program that can capture an online
| session with ANSI escape codes intact. Ver.
| 2.01: minor enhancements.
ATZ300.ZIP 48516 10-11-91 Front end for registered DSZ users.
BI-PROTO.ZIP 6060 02-07-93 Bidirectional protocol discussion info.
| 02/07/93.
BIMLOG10.ZIP 39312 08-17-91 Bimodem Logfile Analyzer v1.0. Nice screen
| display. Command line parameters for history
| log and ANSI Screen.
BIMOD123.ZIP 170338 01-29-92 Bimodem protocol transfers files both
| directions at once.
BIMPRO31.ZIP 114943 08-21-93 BImodem PRO (PAMPA) v3.1: A new full
| BImodem.com-compatible protocol. Supports
| 4DOS comments. Add files to send/receive
| queue while in-session. Capture chat to file.
| Remote's chat window scrollback. Nice screen
| design. XferProgress bar. A lot of new
| functions. New BImodem PRO (PAMPA) developed
| in Repblica Argentina, Sud Amrica.
BS200.ZIP 42101 04-16-92 Bisearch 2.00 bimodem interface for SLBBS
| v2.15+.
CCSP080.ZIP 20118 01-21-91 CCSP.exe is an external protocol to be used
| with BBSs and communication packages like
| PROCOM(+), Boyan, Telix, Qmodem...
CEXYZ100.ZIP 57438 09-24-93 FreeWare X, Y, and Zmodem protocol driver
| from the author of The Blue Wave Offline Mail
| System. Protocols include Zmodem, 8K Zmodem
| (ZedZap), Ymodem, Ymodem-G, Ymodem-1K, Xmodem
| CRC and Xmodem-Checksum. Fully windowed
| graphical interface.
CILHSKIT.ZIP 10673 10-10-92 Add HS/LINK as External Protocol to Cedar
| Island Link. CILNK252.ZIP or later. Prompt
| for filenames (Allows Wildcards) and includes
| help screens. EZ to setup ! CIL is a DOS, DV,
| or Windows Comm. Program with AWESOME Mouse
| Support ! (File dates 10-10-92)
CILSZKIT.ZIP 5246 10-12-92 Add SZmodem as External Protocol to Cedar
| Island Link. (CILNK252.ZIP or Later). SZ
| Auto-Resume / Turbo Mode / Faster than Zmodem
| / Chat / Play GAMES while transfer / Connect
| to DSZ also. Kit has one bat that can be used
| for both UP/DOWN loads . Also includes EZ
| bats for script transfers. CIL has AWESOME
| Mouse support.
CILTMKIT.ZIP 4413 10-12-92 Add Tmodem as an External Protocol to Cedar
| Island Link. For CILNK252.zip or later. Kit
| has one bat that can be used for both UP &
| DOWN loads . Includes EZ bats for script
| transfers. Tmodem is faster than ZModem & has
| exceptional performance on poor connects. CIL
| has AWESOME Mouse support.
CILZMKIT.ZIP 4297 10-10-92 Add Moby Turbo Zmodem as an External Protocol
| to Cedar Island Link. (CIL includes Non-Moby
| ZModem as an internal). For CILNK252.zip or
| later. Kit has one bat that can be used for
| both UP/DOWN loads . Also includes EZ bats
| for script transfers. You need a REGISTERED
| DSZ for Moby. CIL has AWESOME Mouse support.
CLASSICZ.ZIP 110426 10-15-91 CSZCOMM.EXE is "Classic ZCOMM" with the
| classic file transfer display. It is
| otherwise identical with, and compatible with
| ZCOMM.EXE, except for the file transfer
| display and the GCOLORS command.
CMP141.ZIP 20994 02-27-93 Chat Manager Protocol or CMP for short. CMP
| is an external protocol for use with ALL
| communication packages that can handle
| external protocols or jump to dos. (Telix,
| Telemate, Procomm etc. etc.)
DARC101.ZIP 73012 03-23-93 DARC v1.01; BBS utility that shells around
| external protocols and allows users to
| convert archive files from one format to
| another. Can be configured to convert .ZIP
| files to .ARJ files, .JPG files to .GIF
| files, .ARC files to self- extracting
| archives, etc. May be configured to run with
| any command line driven external protocol
| such as DSZ, GSZ, HSLINK, etc. Totally sysop
| configurable. Supports custom text or ANSI
DSZ0529.ZIP 85942 05-29-93 Classic stand-alone shareware sends or
| receives files using ZMODEM-90(Tm), True
| YMODEM(Tm), or XMODEM. "Talk" command term
| emulation for automatic ZMODEM downloads.
| Features fast background transfers to 115200
| bps in small windows. Table driven CRC-32,
| ZMODEM compression, Crash Recovery(Tm),
| advanced file management. May-29-93 ver. now
| supports IRQ9-IRQ15.
DSZ0618X.ZIP 38768 06-18-93 DSZ.EXE From Omen Technology; .EXE version
| uses macro expansions instead of subroutine
| calls for CRC calculations, the compilation
| is speed optimized, and the MS library
| routines may be faster than their TurboC
| counterparts.
DSZGUIDE.ZIP 17082 10-28-92 Text helps you out on how to make the zmodem
| protocol.
DSZLOG10.ZIP 43120 08-24-91 DSZLOG v1.0; DSZ Logfile Analyzer
EXTERNAL.ZIP 94530 01-04-93 External Transfer Protocols for A BBS.
EZPV11.ZIP 49434 08-02-93 EZ protocol engine, X, X1k, YB, YG, S, Z sub
| for DSZ.COM
EZRECV10.ZIP 78745 07-02-92 Express ZMODEM v.1.0: Provides unattended
| background Zmodem capability
FIL_XFR.ZIP 8041 12-23-92 What's in a protocol? Text file concerning
| file transfer protocols.
FTS.ZIP 14673 02-15-93 External file transfer system. 02/15/93.
FUNCLR11.ZIP 7003 08-07-91 Funcolors V1.1 Sets Your Zcomm File Transfer
| Screen Colors to A Different Configuration
| Each Time You Start Zcomm.
FWZMODEM.ZIP 32576 08-01-92 Flackware Zmodem v1.0; Windowed Zmodem driver
FXINFO.ZIP 13510 07-22-93 RoboBOARD/FX v1.00 & Tel-FX Protocol
| Information: info is about a new Graphical
| Protocol called TEL-FX, this Protocol
| supports ANSI,VGA and Super VGA. Supports
| from 640x480 all the way too 1024x768 using
| (16 and 256 colors!) Can send .GIF files and
| as well as JPEG pictures! Sound is included
| for Sound Blaster and other sound cards! Uses
| multiple Windows that you can move around on
| your screen, and a message editor, like you
GSZ0529.ZIP 106460 05-29-93 Visually striking big brother to DSZ, the
| Classic stand-alone shareware that sends or
| receives files using ZMODEM-90(Tm), True
| YMODEM(Tm), or XMODEM. Includes GCOLORS to
| customize display color scheme. Supports
| shared files. Faster ZMODEM than Procomm Plus
| and DSZ.COM, not as fast as DSZ.EXE, ZCOMM
| and Pro-YAM. Bigger than DSZ.EXE. May-29-93
| Now supports IRQ9-IRQ15.
HCOM_103.ZIP 84878 03-12-93 Update to Hydracom 1.00, no documentation
| 03/12/93.
HIDEXFER.ZIP 898 07-16-92 script to hide file transfer window
HS-INST2.ZIP 84977 10-20-92 HS-INST.ZIP Contains instructions and setup
| files to help install the HS/Link protocol in
| a variety of COMM and BBS programs. Updated 2
| pm, Tuesday, November 26, 1991.
HS120.ZIP 146518 04-11-93 HS/Link External Protocol RELEASE v1.20 As of
| 12:41 pm, Sunday, April 11, 1993 HS/Link is a
| new high speed, single and bi- directional
| file transfer protocol with many advanced
| features. It is EASY to set up and runs very
| fast with all kinds of modems. Now includes
| ONLINE CHAT mode. FHSLINK.EXE now supports
| FOSSIL drivers.
HSCAT3S.ZIP 99109 04-12-92 HSCATS v3.0; WildCat 3.xx and HS/LINK
| interface help Docs
HSD114G4.ZIP 49095 07-12-93 Windows DLP HS/Link Protocol BETA GERMAN
| LANGUAGE VERSION As of 5:50 am, Monday, July
| 12, 1993 This is a special version of HS/Link
| designed for use with ProComm Plus for
| Windows in the Windows environment.
HSDFQMOD.ZIP 1102 12-23-91 HS-link Download for Q-modem
HSDSZBAT.ZIP 1181 10-22-92 HS/LINK files for CAM-mail door
HSINST11.ZIP 77442 03-31-92 Info on how to install the HS/Link protocol.
HSLBATCH.ZIP 2371 01-13-92 HSLBATCH is an example batch file and
| accompanying info on optimizing batch file
| transfers for HS/Link using QModem and
| BEWCONV. One keystroke for bidirectional
| batch uploads and downloads.
HSLBOY10.ZIP 3298 06-27-92 Boyan 5.0 script to unzip/register the latest
| version of HSLink. Unzips, over- writes older
| file versions, simplifies updating.
HSLK11B1.ZIP 89526 02-10-92 HS/Link external protocol driver 1.1beta High
| speed, full streaming, bi-directional batch
| file transfer protocol with advanced
| full-streaming-error-correction and
| dynamic-code-substitution. It is easy to use
HSLKROB2.ZIP 1540 01-03-92 Batch files to allow simultaneous REP/QWK
| transfers, as well as file transfers using
| HS-Link with Robocomm in a 4DOS environment.
| Also works with NDOS. Usable with mail doors
| that allow simultaneous transfers.
HSLKSLT2.ZIP 3252 01-06-92 A SALT script for TELIX which makes running
| HS/LINK easy.
HSLSHELL.ZIP 126752 08-24-92 Allows you to create a HS/LINK list ahead of
| time for your uploads, then it runs the
| HsLink normally with your uploads taken from
| the list you created off line.
HSLTG25Q.ZIP 73362 12-04-91 Text file and files needed to install HSLink
| version into Telegard 2.5q Beta or higher.
HSL_CFG.ZIP 333 03-12-93 Sample HS/Link configuration file.
HSQMBEW.ZIP 12813 01-27-92 HSLBATCH is an example batch file and
| accompanying info on optimizing batch file
| transfers for HS/Link using QModem and
| BEWCONV. One keystroke for bidirectional
| batch uploads and downloads.
HSRC_100.ZIP 76799 01-11-93 Source code for Hydra bi-directional protocol
HST168.ZIP 5847 04-17-92 Information on setting your USR HST 16.8
| modem.
HST4UBBS.ZIP 7957 03-28-91 HST modem settings for Ultra BBS.
HSTELIX2.ZIP 3562 11-17-91 Replacement for HS-TELIX.ZIP provided by Sam
| Smith, fixes two problems that might be found
| when uploading and downloading.
HSTLXSLT.ZIP 3606 02-27-92 Script & Source to add HS/Link Log info t
| ZLOG File for Telix 3.15 Identifies the bbs,
| date, and time eliminated extraneous screen
| writes.
HSTU1092.ZIP 2160 10-16-92 Hayes Student Discount Program Info Students
| can purchase Hayes products at a substantial
| discount...
HST_SET5.ZIP 10341 03-16-91 HST Setup Notes; These notes describe how to
| set up the U. S. Robotics Courier HST (14.4K
| bps), or HST Dual Standard, modem and
| typical, IBM-type, PC communications software
HS_145A.ZIP 2433 10-30-91 Installing HS/LINK external protocol in
| PCBoard BBS
HS_421.ZIP 693 06-13-92 "How to install HS/LINK with WWIV v4.21"
HS_BOY50.ZIP 1755 11-26-91 Using Boyan v5.0 with External HS/LINK
HS_BOYAN.ZIP 1731 10-27-91 Using Boyan with External HS/LINK
HS_COMMO.ZIP 6721 10-23-91 Install HS/Link protocol in {COMMO} (also
| download HSLK10B4.ZIP or newer)
HS_FILES.ZIP 44700 11-04-91 Bunch of Batch Files for Using HS/Link
HS_GAP51.ZIP 5090 11-14-91 How To: Adding HS/LINK to GAP BBS
HS_GT15.ZIP 1963 10-27-91 Using GT-Power BBS with External HS/LINK
HS_INST3.ZIP 123752 08-25-93 HS-INST2.ZIP Contains instructions and setup
| files to help install the HS/Link protocol in
| most COMM and BBS programs.
HS_MKML.ZIP 1245 12-10-91 HS/Link configuration for MarkMail.
HS_PB117.ZIP 1972 11-19-91 Installing HS/LINK External Protocol in
| ProBoard BBS
HS_PCPTD.ZIP 2016 10-23-91 Using PCplus/test Drive with external HS/LINK
HS_PROW.ZIP 2577 09-02-92 Install HS/Link protocol in Procomm for
| Windows.
HS_QM.ZIP 644 11-02-91 Using HS/LINK with Qmodem
HS_QMP15.ZIP 2012 08-25-93 Install HS/Link in QMODEM PRO 1.x
HS_R173C.ZIP 2699 12-05-91 Installing HS/LINK External Protocol in
| RBBS-PC v17.3C
HS_RA.ZIP 820 11-29-91 Hilfe zur Installation von HS/Link unter RA
| (using HS/Link and Remote Access BBS)
HS_ROBO.ZIP 646 11-04-91 Batch files to upload/download with HS/Link
| and Robocomm
HS_RYBBS.ZIP 1139 01-03-92 Extup & Extdown for RYBBS only using HS/LINK
HS_S1154.ZIP 1165 01-21-92 Help to install HS/LINK in the SuperBBS
HS_SF30.ZIP 2868 11-19-91 Installing HS/LINK External Protocol in
| SpitFire BBS
HS_SLBBS.ZIP 3109 11-14-91 Setting up HS/Link with Searchlight BBS
HS_TELIX.ZIP 2087 10-23-91 Install HS/Link protocol in TELIX (also
| download HSLK10B4.ZIP or newer)
HS_TMATE.ZIP 2278 10-26-91 Using TeleMate with External HS/LINK
HS_UB208.ZIP 1919 11-21-91 Installing HS/LINK External Protocol in
| UltraBBS v2.08
HS_VBB54.ZIP 1920 01-25-92 Installing HS/LINK External Protocol in
| Virtual BBS 5.4
HS_WC35.ZIP 1364 06-29-92 Proper setup to use with Wildcat 3.50 to
| allow bidirectional file transfers. This same
| batch file also works with Wildcat's Tomcat
| QWK mail door to allow bidirectional mail
HS_WWIV.ZIP 1854 01-09-92 Adding HS/LINK to WWIV BBS
HYDRA100.ZIP 227681 01-11-93 Brand new external protocol that does bi-
| directional transfers much like hs/link does.
| From the original author of frontdoor.
HYPER11F.ZIP 85879 04-02-91 HyperProtocol v1.1f transfer protocol.
INTHLP2.ZIP 13723 04-21-93 Interrupt and IRQ help file for Columbia
| Kermit users in response to statements about
| IRQ conflict problems (COM3/COM4).
JLEECH23.ZIP 4965 02-01-93 Leech Files with Jmodem Protocol.
JMOD311.ZIP 110783 02-02-92 JMODEM v3.11 transfer protocol.
K312_PCH.ZIP 1589 01-13-93 Patches 1 - 12 to MS-Kermit 3.12. 01/10/93.
K9X.ZIP 272930 07-22-92 K9X File Transfer Protocols
KERM313.ZIP 325648 07-12-93 MS-DOS Kermit 3.13: high-quality, full
| function communication software for IBM and
| compatible PCs with DOS or Windows.
KERMFT10.ZIP 3402 10-04-92 Contains 2 very simple macros to interface MS
| Kermit with GSZ or DSZ.
LFA100.ZIP 44099 02-22-93 Log File Analyzer version 1.00. For users of
| HS-LINK or Zmodem MobyTurbo. View the log
| file created by these protocols. Will display
| informationin a more readable format.
M2Z213.ZIP 88012 06-14-92 OS/2 External Zmodem protocol, faster than
| DOS Zmodem. Protocol has a built in host mode
| and erminal and is less than 160k! Very
| simple, powerful and fast. A must have for
| all OS/2'ers.
MKDLIST.ZIP 6158 02-26-92 Utility for use with HSLink 1.1 to create a
| list of downloadable files for duplicate
| checking.
MOBYOP02.ZIP 77525 02-11-91 Enables DSZ's Mobyturbo file transfers with
| opus.
MOBYTRBO.ZIP 3232 01-04-91 Questions and answers on MobyTurbo
MPTWCBTS.ZIP 3632 04-24-91 Batch Files For Wildcat Transfer Protocols
MSIVT3.ZIP 1524 07-29-93 MSDOS Kermit DEC Keyboard Setups for the IBM
| PC, PS/2 and compatibles.
MSKDOC.ZIP 115217 01-02-93 MS Kermit 2.32 complete documentation.
MXLITE17.ZIP 91355 10-14-93 MX-Light v1.7; MX-Light, easy to use
| communications program Protocols included are
| ASCII, Kermit, Xmodem, Ymodem, Zmodem,
| Xmodem/1K, Xmodem/ G,Ymodem/G. Full Screen
| Editor, Internal ANSI,Avatar and VT100
| Drivers.Capture Doorway Many other features.
| Auto Zmodem Downloads
NMODM231.ZIP 46655 03-19-92 Nmodem 2.31, high-speed file transfer
| protocol, uses 2K blocks, faster than Zmodem
NOLEECH.ZIP 10936 07-24-93 Anti-LeechZmodem! Stop lamers who leech off
| your system with this excellent utility!
OS9.ZIP 50914 12-16-92 OS-9 C Kermit.
PCBZM.ZIP 65005 01-07-93 PCBoard Zmodem protocol driver. 01/07/93.
PHOMAST6.ZIP 68418 03-15-91 PHOMAST v6.4; Enjoy the power of YAM or ZCOMM
| yet not have trouble setting up a difficult
| communications package. This is very
| comprehensive.
PROT100.ZIP 44263 08-16-93 Protocol Enhancer v1.0; Don't put up with the
| hassle of installing external protocols
| anymore, just follow the simple instructions
| and let this program do it all for you!
SBC100.ZIP 15804 08-07-92 SBC allows you to choose colours for
| BinkleyTerm interactively; when you're
| finished, it modifies (with your permission)
| your configuration file appropriately.
SCANLOG.ZIP 6159 04-15-93 Utility to scan DSZLOG files and return
| ERRORLEVEL according to command line options.
| Use in batch files with HS/Link to determine
| results of a transfer.
SCRIPTS.ZIP 106273 10-15-91 Assortment of logon scripts for Qmodem
SDP101D.ZIP 122052 08-20-93 Streamline Design Protocol Module v1.0; This
| protocol module offers both graphical and
| ASCII status screens, ASCII, XModem, XModem
| Relaxed, XModem/CRC, XModem/CRC Relaxed
| XModem-1k, XModem-1k, Relaxed, XModem-1kG,
| XModem-1kG Relaxed, Ymodem, YModem Relaxed,
| YModemG, YModemG Relaxed, YModem-128,
| YModem-128 Relaxed, ZModem, ZModem-8k, and
| Kermit. It also has many options for managing
| files and various port options.
SDPDL11D.ZIP 62219 10-14-93 Streamline Design (Lite) Digi Protocol Module
| v1.01d; Offers ASCII status screens, XModem,
| XModem Relaxed, XModem/CRC, XModem/CRC
| Relaxed, XModem-1k, XModem-1k, Relaxed,
| XModem-1kG, XModem-1kG Relaxed, Ymodem,
| YModem Relaxed, YModemG, YModemG Relaxed,
| YModem-128, YModem-128 Relaxed, ZModem,
| ZModem-8k. It also has many options for
| managing files and various port options.
SDPFL11D.ZIP 61874 10-14-93 Streamline Design (Lite) Fossil Protocol
| Module v1.01d; Offers ASCII status screens,
| XModem, XModem Relaxed, XModem/CRC,
| XModem/CRC Relaxed, XModem-1k, XModem-1k,
| Relaxed, XModem-1kG, XModem-1kG Relaxed,
| Ymodem, YModem Relaxed, YModemG, YModemG
| Relaxed, YModem-128, YModem-128 Relaxed,
| ZModem, ZModem-8k. It also has many options
| for managing files and various port options.
SDPL101D.ZIP 64276 10-14-93 Streamline Design (Lite) Protocol Module
| v1.01d; Offers ASCII status screens, XModem,
| XModem Relaxed, XModem/CRC, XModem/CRC
| Relaxed, XModem-1k, XModem-1k, Relaxed,
| XModem-1kG, XModem-1kG Relaxed, Ymodem,
| YModem Relaxed, YModemG, YModemG Relaxed,
| YModem-128, YModem-128 Relaxed, ZModem,
| ZModem-8k. It also has many options for
| managing files and various port options.
SETPROTO.ZIP 4613 04-03-92 Select protocol at time of transfer.
| Encourages external protocols.
SKHST110.ZIP 129697 01-27-92 Super 8-k super-fast protocol. Excellent.
| Easy setup.
SPCX100.ZIP 82807 07-13-93 An external protocol for viewing images via
| the On-Line Sales Door. It was developed to
| allow users who are not using clickcomm, to
| be able to view inages while online.
SUPZBATS.ZIP 2383 02-18-93 How To Set Up SZModem v2.0 (SZMODEM.EXE) With
| TriBBS v4.x - Includes Sample Batch Files & A
| DOC That Explains How To Set Up Super ZModem
| With Your TriBBS Board.
SZMODEM2.ZIP 162288 03-08-93 SZMODEM v2.00; zmodem-compatible protocol
| with a few added features. It is fully
| compatible with normal zmodem, but adds
| special capabilities both when talking to
| normal zmodems and while talking to other
| copies of SZModem.
SZSUP160.ZIP 112811 09-11-91 Supplemental disk for SZModem 1.6.
TMOD10.ZIP 73865 04-18-93 Tmodem External Protocol Version 10.0
TMODM900.ZIP 52637 03-17-92 Tmodem Version 9.00 - High Speed Protocol.
TSEND201.ZIP 11191 03-29-93 TIMESEND - 2.01 ßeta Compiled 03/25/93
| [FREEWARE] By Fifth Dimension Software You
| can figure out the time needed to transmit a
| program over ZMODEM at baud rate you specify.
TXZM220T.ZIP 45161 04-01-93 Zmodem Protocol - Texas Zmodem v2.20 An
| Excellent sustitute of DSZ; Default to TONE
| type Phones; May be used as TERMINAL program;
| FREE for non-comercial sites
TXZM222.ZIP 40459 03-14-93 TexasZmodem 2.22: zmodem protocol. 03/14/93.
VXY230.ZIP 57073 02-21-93 virtual XYmodem transfer protocols v2.30 for
WXMDM108.ZIP 39172 11-13-92 WXmodem v1.08.
WXTRM305.ZIP 33173 08-12-91 WXTerm v3.05 file transfer protocol
XSEND051.ZIP 10836 03-04-91 For MS-Kermit 3.1 - Upload whole disk at once
YMOD900.ZIP 36418 04-15-92 Ymodem/Ymodem-G 6.0 External Protocol by the
| makers of tmodem/zmax.
ZBOOT.ZIP 11444 03-11-92 Zmodem protocol add-in.
ZDOC0814.ZIP 26802 08-14-91 Batch files for DSZ; State-of-the-Art File
| Transfer Engine that functions as a DOS
| Console Terminal or, as an External Transfer
| Protocol Driver for sending and receiving
| Files.
ZMAX320.ZIP 37633 04-15-92 Latest ZMAX. Faster than Zmodem.
ZMOD1310.ZIP 43564 09-27-92 Zmodem 13.10. DSZ Zmodem compatible external
| protocol, with full 32 bit crc error
| detection, color screen.
ZMOD700.ZIP 37637 04-24-91 Really good alternative to GSZ.
ZR249L1.ZIP 140037 01-03-93 ZyRion v2.49.1.0; powerful communications
| File transfer protocol
ZR300PB.ZIP 143446 02-05-93 Zyrion00 public beta of this great new high
| speed protocol from Germany.
ZSX240.ZIP 35101 11-26-91 ZSX v2.40 X/Y/Zmodem & Sealink protocol driver
ZYRION.ZIP 107664 12-10-92 Transfer protocol: documentation states that
| at 14.4 it will allow a cps rate of about
| 1900.. sysops get registraion free if you
| have a valid fidonet number.. tells in
| documentation how to set it up with remote
| access.